24 January, 2007

Tink the Adventure Dog

I am a terrible procrastinator. No .. strike that ... I'm a very GOOD procrastinator. I still haven't replaced the 3 or 4 slats from when my fence blew over. They are sitting by the fence or still in place for when the cement was setting for the new posts. I keep saying that I am waiting for them to dry out but actually I just keep putting it off. There is one place with a rather large hole and I have been putting bricks and things there to keep Tink from getting out. This morning someone was walking a Golden Retriever by the house and I heard her barking and then as I looked out of the window I saw her slip out through the hole!! I was only wearing a bra so I threw on my robe and shoved my feet into my slippers and went dashing out of the house and out the gate. It was a man and woman walking the dog so the man was standing at my gate calling Tink, "Here fella". She was ignoring him and was dancing around the Golden and it's "mom" a bit further down the street. I called her and she came running back. Now no more procrastination!! Tomorrow between Dad's appointments I'm going to nail those boards back up. It's lovely and sunny and dry today and I expect it to be dry tomorrow as well.

We got home at a decent hour from B.C. yesterday and I just sat around, enjoying being in my own comfy chair and read the paper and talked on the phone. No knitting. Did a little shadow knitting at lunchtime but tonight I think I'll work more on the entrelac bag. I want to get it done. I have too many WIPs. Too many. I need discipline.

I have allowed myself the teensiest bit of daydreaming about winning that award. $5K would come in pretty darned handy. I would love to do some landscaping, or rather have someone do some for me. AND paint the house as well, but I don't think I'd be able to do both of those things. But some decent landscaping would make that stupid paint job look a little less stupid.

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