31 July, 2007

Musicians are great big babies and other rants

Sunday we finally got a rehearsal together after about 5 or 6 weeks and the drummer was sick! No matter, the guitar player and the bass player and I just rehearsed without him. For a while, that is. The bass player was admittedly tired when he arrived but he was acting even stranger than normal -- kind of spacing out, staring out the window and not playing, etc. Granted, we started with country songs which neither he nor I are particularly fond of but hey, the leader wants to have a selection of country songs and so we do them. The bass player, let's call him Mark, was messing up in the same spot in a song that he had never bothered to learn correctly, so the leader, Doug, was trying to show him the correct notes. Mark got all snippy. He doesn't like to be corrected. We went on to another song, and Mark again messed up. This time it was the ending of the song. He kept saying he was playing it right and Doug was, gently, trying to tell him that he was not playing it right and to tell him the correct notes. All of a sudden Mark just said, "I can't do this any more. I'm playing it right!" and he started packing up his stuff! He quit! I was just standing there kind of blinking ... not believing that I was seeing two grown men acting like high school garage band babies. It was astonishing. So, Doug and I sat down at the piano and started working on that K T Tunstall song "The other side of the world" while Mark continued to pack up his gear and haul it out to his truck. Doug was not too upset about it. Turns out he had been working with Mark for years and years and this had happened before, but this time he's not taking him back because he's been wanting to get a new bass player anyway. So, I guess all is well. Hopefully he can get a new bass player by next week.

So that was my Sunday except for all day I was on the couch reading the new Harry Potter book. I read 500 pages the first day. I finished it off yesterday. My back was a bit tweaky so I just stayed home from work and read until it was done. I liked it.

Saturday was the golf tournament and here comes the second rant .... I was originally put in a foursome with my old pals but then at the last minute I was put with a couple of guys that I didn't even know because, according to the woman in charge, there were too many women so she wanted to spread us out. uh huh I was a big girl and didn't complain but I must say I would have had a much better time with my friends rather than with two people I didn't know! And one of them was just a JERK. First of all he was non stop jokes and they weren't funny jokes. Second, he used to be a golf teacher (he said) and I am not someone who golfs a lot but I've had lessons and I know how to play and he wouldn't keep his mouth shut. All the time criticizing my swing and my feet placement and ... oh you name it. Which, of course, had the totally opposite effect. Instead of getting better I was worse and worse! Thankfully I made a few clutch putts so he quieted down on the second 9 but ... gah! We were joined by a fourth on the 4th hole. This guy had gone to the wrong golf course! He had a knee brace and was so stoned on pain killers that he actually fell down! He couldn't find his golf balls in his pants ... too many pockets, he said. I am serious! The third guy was pretty nice and I rode in his cart. I just wish the beverage cart had come around a lot more. The dinner was fun though and I had all in all a pretty fun time. I am covered with mosquito bites from sitting outside but it was worth it.

So yeah this is supposed to be a knitting blog -- I finished up a sock and got a good start on the second one yesterday. I want to finish up these socks because I don't like the yarn colors. I have some really nice sock yarn I want to use! And I bought myself that sock book I had purchased for my Secret Pal because I thought it was a cool book and it is. I am also waiting for a new book on two at once on 2 circulars. My friend Peggy always does hers two at once and the one time I tried it I could NOT get the heels turned. I am hoping this new book will make that clear and also that it'll have toe up two at onces. If not I'm going to have to figure that out myself.

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