25 August, 2009

Does my dress form need a name?

It has been suggested that my dress form needs a name. It has no head - it has a little ball for a head - and that makes it a little harder to name for me. If I had an alter ego or an evil twin name then it would be simple, but I don't. I supposed it'll come to me.

This weekend I found a cute peach colored linen sheath which just happens to coordinate perfectly with my February Lady Sweater! So that's what I'm wearing today. It is the only thing I have that goes with that sweater! I have been just wearing it around the house but I'm glad now I have something to wear it out with.

I didn't knit on the neck warm hat last night, nor the socks that just need binding off nor the Frost Flowers Stole. By the time I was done with my shower and my little after work chores I just wasn't in the mood to knit. Mr. M was out at a meeting so I had a little time to myself to play Mario Kart and by the time I was cooking dinner he was on his way so we got to eat together. And then he had ANOTHER meeting, but this one at home, so I just went upstairs and read. I should be able to finish up that second one tonight though. And when I have some spare time I'd like to bind off the socks and divide that Noro sock yarn I got to make a pair of arm warmers. So much to do ... and never enough time!!

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