09 November, 2009

And the cough lingers ....

I came to work Friday still hacking, but feeling a little less under the weather. Still optimistic that I could run on Sunday. The weather was just beastly Friday but the rain stopped around 4 for a while. However, by the time I stopped at the store and got home it was coming down like crazy. I opened the door to let Tink out and just as she stepped onto the deck the sky lit up and a big clap of thunder roared and she turned right around and wanted in. Poor little thing was so freaked out. She couldn't get close enough to me.

I know I said I wasn't going to start another project but I didn't feel like knitting on the angora sweater so I picked up a crochet hook and a few random balls of yarn and started a stripped scarf. I have seen some very cute ones here and thought I'd see if I could replicate it. It's looking kind of mannish so I shall gift it.

Saturday I was STILL coughing and so no rehearsing for me. Besides, Mr. M came home at 8. Thankfully the rain had stopped. I sure wasn't looking forward to driving to the airport in a rain storm. The Huskies lost a heart breaker on Saturday to UCLA. That was mostly my day - watching the game and working on the scarf. And even though we had a couple margaritas with some awesome mescal Mr. M brought back from his trip I still had insomnia. I finally got up at about midnight and sat downstairs and watched TV and worked on the scarf until 3:30!

Sunday I really wanted to run but I was still so congested and coughing so, discretion being the better part of valor, I passed and spent a quiet day. And the Seahawks won, finally. That was nice. And again bedtime came and I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep. I finally went up around midnight and slept for a few hours until my coughing woke me. But I'm coughing LESS, which is good. I rode my bike in. Hopefully I will be able to run tomorrow. We are getting close -- only 3 weeks until the race.

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