15 January, 2010

Did you know ....

that there is a salsa version of "Clocks"? I heard it on the radio on the way in to work today and it is kick ass! I think it's better than the original version.

We had a really good rehearsal last night. Finally it's feeling that we're making progress and I've got a monitor system set up with headphones so my ears don't get blasted and I can hear myself. Both keys for improving. We have a date set for sure now - May 8. I don't really know what is going to be happening. I mean if it's just going to be a party or if he (Doug) is considering charging people. I hope it's just going to be a party. I hate to bug my friends to come see me and then expect them to pay for the privilege. That's kind of creepy.

I got lots of work done yesterday - mostly donkey work on the departmental site. My mood is always so much lighter when I can work from home in natural light. I also managed to get a row done on the Frost Flowers Stole before I had to run out the door to rehearsal. It looks like I've got 20 more rows to go. I have to keep reminding myself that each one is getting shorter. I am now about 40 minutes a row. I am going to block out time on Sunday AND Monday to put in some serious hours. I want this thing done! I am now almost completely committed to making the Gatsby Dress from IK summer '09. It's really more of a tunic than a dress, don't you think? My quandary is what yarn to use. It calls for Rowan RYC Silk Wool DK, which is a lovely yarn but I am feeling this more in a bamboo or cotton/linen blend. I haven't read any positive reviews of Knit Picks CotLin. I love the feel of bamboo and even though I sold the bamboo yarn I had before for the Flutter project, that was because of the color rather than the quality of the yarn. I am then leaning towards buying the bamboo. It does come in a gorgeous peacock blue. Well ... still thinking and searching. But I do believe I will make this before I do that cardigan. Maybe.

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