22 November, 2010

Snow before Thanksgiving!

I got all my chores and running around done on Saturday so that I could enjoy a day of football and knitting on Sunday and I am sure glad that I did!  It was very windy on Saturday night and the lights flickered a couple of times, but there was no snow.  It was cold but dry.  We had a pretty good rehearsal although we still have a lot of work to do before I'll be confident.  We'll rehearse again Wednesday and Friday and if I am diligent I should be able to get the last of the lyrics into my head.

So, Sunday Mr. M was up and out of the house at 5 am for a job - sound for a race that I am so glad I didn't sign up for.  I decided to take Tink for a walk before the games started and just as we were getting ready it started to snow.  It was really too warm for it to stick - I think about 38 degrees - but it snowed for a couple of hours off and on.  It stayed dry the rest of the day but it got very cold last night.  When I woke up this morning I checked my iPhone weather before I got out of bed and it said snowing but when I looked out the window it was bone dry.  I wasn't going to bike in anyway because it is below freezing so I figured I'd take the bus, just in case it started to snow.  And it did start to snow about 10 minutes before I walked out the door and it is snowing, hard, now.  The bus was packed and I was lucky to get a seat. I'm not looking forward to the ride home at all.

I got a lot of good work done on my convertible mittens.  I am nearly done with the hand so I might be able to finish them up today.  I tried another variation.  I had added two stitches at each end of the top flap on the cashmere pair and then decreased down to the original count to finish off the hand, then I tacked the flap down when I finished them.  This time I didn't decrease back down to the original count but left the extra four stitches.  I am hoping this will make the top fold back tidier.  We'll just have to wait and see how it works when they're finished.

Thanksgiving plans have changed.  I wasn't going to be cooking this year and instead we were going to go out.  But Mr. M's son decided he wants to come for the long weekend so I'm cooking.  I have decided that the son is not going to stay in the guest room but will sleep on the fold out in the theatre.  Mr. M asked me if that wasn't a bit inconvenient and I told him that I thought finding dirty dishes in my clean clothes was a bit MORE inconvenient and he sheepishly agreed.  I maintain that if someone is going to treat my home with that much disrespect there must be consequences.  I don't think I'm being unreasonable, do you? 

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