30 May, 2012

I was misinformed

I had somehow gotten an idea from who knows where that the book I just finished, "Pompeii" was part of a trilogy.  Not true.  The author has more books on Rome and so maybe that was where the confusion came from.  I have gotten lots of good recommendations so it's not a big deal and I might still try another of his books. I was going to download something to read for my proctoring session yesterday but instead just kept an eagle eye on the students and let my mind wander, the professor in the back of the room and me in the front.  We would occasionally change positions.  Aaaaand, that was my afternoon.

The weather really didn't get decent until early evening after Tink and I had our after work walk, and this morning it's cloudy again with even a little sprinkle.  It doesn't matter for today since I'll be in at lunch, but tomorrow I've got to take another check for the reunion/tournament up to the bank so I would like it to at least not be raining.  I'd like to walk up there and then run back.  That's a nice outing and I get a different run on those days.  Even though I am going mostly downhill back to work, there are parts that are elevated and I have to be forced to run hills, since I hate it so much.  It's enough of a change that I might get some soreness.

I never did start the finishing on my cardigan last night.  Tink was in a play ball mood and I was involved in watching the 2nd Sherlock episode.  Only one more left on my recorded.  But I've brought the cardigan in to noon knitting and I can get a lot done in an hour there, chatting with the ladies.

I heard rumors yesterday about some changes being proposed to our curriculum.  This has been going on for a year or so, but the rumor I am most interested is the one that would make it convenient for me to travel in September again!  It won't be this year, I know.  But it's something nice to look forward to.  Right now I'm looking forward to my meeting in Portland at the end of June - not that exciting.  But then off to California and Arizona and that could be fun.  And then?  I do not know.  But something.

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