12 December, 2013

Dark days

It's dark when I come to work and dark when I get home.  And we've still got a couple more weeks before things start to lighten up.  It hasn't been too bad during the clear days, but now the clouds are moving in.  Oh well - at least it isn't snowing.  It's warmer.  And also because it's been so cold the fountain has been turned off so I've been sleeping like a baby!  Usually either a truck wakes me at four or the fountain at 5:30. 

I did get some knitting done at noon knitting yesterday.  A couple of rows.  That is all the work I did on that scarf yesterday.  I wasn't in the mood last night.  I just watched awful TV and went to bed early.  I'll bet I was asleep by 9 o'clock.  I had awakened at 4 Wednesday morning and wasn't able to get back to sleep.  So -- well, I'm sleeping like a baby sometimes.  My mind started going and that was it.  So I was pretty tired yesterday.  Maybe tonight I'll read.  I'm getting a little restless.   After all those weeks and weeks of forced togetherness, it's pretty quiet now. 

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