20 March, 2009

First day of Spring!!!

As I was walking in to the office this morning a man passing by me said "You look like spring today". Isn't that nice? I am wearing my Lacy Skirt with Bows and it is very spring-like ... all lacy and fluttery. Yay springtime!!!

I can't help myself -- I stare at people's hats and scarves and sweaters to see if they're hand knit and if I recognize the pattern. I get some strange looks back too! I've got to learn to be a bit more circumspect or I'm going to get called out.

Today is also hair cut day so I drove in. It seems warmer today but that could just be wishful thinking. At least it hasn't been down to freezing for a few days. I know this is going to be some sort of winter weather record for Seattle. It's been just awful. I am therefore astonished at how many things are popping up in the garden and all of the buds on the trees and shrubs. I've GOT to get out there and start cleaning it up, plus which I want to put vegetables into the raised beds like the previous owner did. Those fresh veggies were awesome and I want to add more herbs this year.

I did not knit on my Indigo Ripples skirt last night. I have been playing my Wii Mario Kart game. Sometimes I just go on little video game binges and play several nights in a row. It's crazy. And I don't know if I'll be able to knit tonight either because my DH's son is coming to stay for a week for spring break and he's arriving this evening, his sister will be there so I'll have to come up with some sort of meal and then ... well, I just don't think I'll get any quality alone time. I tell you what though -- I don't think I would want to spend my spring break with my father and his wife. I'd want to go hang with my friends. Oh well ...

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