19 March, 2009

Snack foods

As a person pretty much addicted to exercise and oh so tedious about eating healthy foods, I have to admit to occasionally venturing into the chips aisle at the grocery store. When I do I typically buy Tim's Reduced Fat potato chips. If I'm really feeling naughty I'll snag a bag of the Jalapeno chips. I was having lunch a couple days ago and a friend of mine confessed to having a thing for hot Cheetos. I had never heard of them but they sound sinfully delicious. And he just popped into my office a second ago with a bag of them for me. I think he wants converts. I haven't tried them yet, since I was right in the middle of my oatmeal and strawberries. Maybe for lunch.

I brought my Indigo Ripples Skirt in for noon knitting yesterday and got only a couple rows done. And I didn't get any done last night. It was a full evening. I had to go to the grocery store when I got home, then shower, and by the time dinner was cleared away it was nearly time for Lost and I can't knit and watch Lost. Good episode. That show is just crazy.

Guess what tomorrow is. SPRING! Yay!!!!! Now if someone would only tell Mother Nature to stop with the snow already.

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