05 June, 2012

Hurry up summer!!

We seem to have slid back to early spring.  Yesterday was cold and cloudy and drizzling.  And it's still at it this morning.  It's raining hard.  I sure am glad I've got my vacation to look forward to.  I know for sure I'll get plenty of sunshine and hot weather as well.

I did a little bit of reading about Seattle and towing charges.  Here's a good article, if you're interested.  The original  - the one that I remembered but hadn't read closely - was from last November and this is a follow up.  I was surprised to read that Seattle's towing charges are about 4 times as much as New York City's!  It's just outrageous and now I'm going to drop it.

I was very tired yesterday but still went out for my run, since at that time it wasn't raining and I could. I have now gone more than 300 miles since I started using this app.  I can hardly wrap my head around that.  I was invited to join some people for dinner - faculty visiting for the AWARE retreat - but I just couldn't face it, having been up for hours the night before with all that nonsense with the truck driving into the hedge.  I didn't even knit on anything.  I made a nice little dinner and turned in early to watch a movie on my iPad.  Unfortunately I couldn't make it much past 9:30!  I was that tired.  I'll have to finish it up early tonight because it was a rental movie from iTunes and you have to finish watching within 24 hours of when you start.  I slept like a rock, thankfully, and only woke up because of the rain and went right back to sleep.

It's hard going when the sun is so scarce.

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