31 July, 2012

Catch up

Yesterday the sun never really came out and it was a bit chilly.  I was SO tired from lack of sleep both Saturday and Sunday nights and the lack of sun didn't help.  I had a few checks I had to get to the bank and I was going to run back, but I wanted to stop at Trader Joe's - I have been craving their marinated tuna for ages - so the run went by the wayside and I had a little shopping trip instead.  On the way to the bank I got a phone call from my real estate agent.  I had been practically sitting on my hands all morning, not wanting to bother her and knowing that she'd call if there was any (good) news.  So imagine how my heart took a jump when I saw her name come up on my phone.  Good news?  Pretty good.  There are two parties very interested in the house and she's expecting an offer or two this week.  I have to keep my expectations down.  But oh my goodness ....   Well that put a bounce in my step, sun or no.

I was planning on watching some more Olympics and knitting last night but honestly, after dinner I could barely keep my eyes open.  I was saying to somebody on the phone earlier in the evening that I was not sure I could stay awake past 8:30 and honestly, I didn't make it much past that!  I was down!  I know I was asleep before 9 and except for a few minutes around midnight when Tink woke me to get off the bed, I slept straight through until 6:30 this morning!  I feel SUPER this morning.  Well rested and (dare I say it?) pretty darned happy.  Looks like I am coming up to that corner.

On the weekend I started another project.  I was poking through some magazines - I had gotten the new Interweave Knits Fall Saturday but nothing jumped out at me.  I wanted to use some Noro I had rediscovered lurking on my yarn rack.  None of the new patterns from the first issue of Noro Magazine were right for the Kureyon.  Actually I was looking through Ravelry to find something suitable for a couple of skeins of Noro Kureyon Sock but then found the Argosy Wrap by Vyvyan Neel that uses Kureyon worsted.  I don't like the colors she used but it's an interesting construction and it suited my mood.  No, you're totally right.  I do not need another wrap or scarf or shawl or stole.  But I really enjoy making them so I will just do what I like to do and give them away.  It's the process anyway.

I made the calls to the golf pro and to the caterer yesterday but both of them were out for Monday.  Hopefully today I can tie up that loose end and send the couple of dozen people who are actually interested in the event an email with details. 

I would like to take some pictures of that recliner chaise and get it listed for sale tonight.  Will I get around to it?  Stay tuned ......

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