12 July, 2012

It's all in the timing

I just missed the bus this morning.  If I had gotten out of the house even half a minute sooner I would have caught it.  It's not usually an issue if I miss the 316 at 7:20 because there is a 16 that comes at 7:27.  But this morning it didn't show up!  So because of that I missed the 48 that I typically catch which gets me to the office a little before 8.  Not a big deal, just a lot of time standing around at the bus stops.  I still have a few hours left to listen to "Wolf Hall", which I am enjoying even more now that I have a clearer understanding of those characters.

This evening I am going up to Gregg's to start working on our set for the benefit on July 29.  On Sunday we will rehearse with the whole band and I am looking forward to that a lot!  Gregg has put together a fine set list.  It is a bit more country that I would like, but since we are playing the Oxford I know it will go over well there, since it is kind of a country place. 

I don't know when I'm going to carve out some time to get to the driving range, but I'd better get serious about it if I want to golf in August.  This tournament and dinner thing is coming up in about 5 weeks and I'm getting nervous about having enough people signed up.  I got two more in the mail yesterday, but only one golfer.  I'm going to have to be a little more aggressive, which is not fun.

I got all the fringe put on the Aristida yesterday afternoon.  It's lovely and I should get a lot of use out of it this winter.  I definitely have enough yarn left over to make some gloves, or mittens I should say, which I will do when I get finished with the socks I have growing on my number 2 needles.  There is no hurry.

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