06 May, 2008

The day after the round trip

Well that was something - biking back home last night. Oh I made it, but it was not easy. First of all, my bike seat is not so comfortable after about 30 to 45 minutes. This is something I need to address. Second, the trail seems to get steeper the more tired I get. I have to say though that I am quite proud of myself that I biked essentially 30 miles yesterday. To be perfectly accurate - 29 miles. 14.5 each way. I am not sore this morning though. I am very grateful for that. And I did not ride in today. I think three times a week is going to be just fine for a couple weeks. We'll see how I feel at the end of next week. I don't want to mess up my knees.

Mr. M. was very sweet when I got home, dripping sweat. I actually walked up the hill from the trail. My legs were like rubber when I got to the end of the trail and immediately it goes up hill. I just wasn't able to make it so I walked the last few blocks. He took Tink for her walk and I got into the hot shower, which maybe saved my muscles from getting too sore today, and then took me out for Thai food. Instead of unpacking more stuff I blissed out in front of the TV with my knitting. Nicccccce.

I am still just absolutely loving the fabric that comes off my needles with this Ella Rae Shibu. I should bring the magazine in and scan the picture of the sweater I'm making, since it's one of those no name patterns. I ordered more of the yarn to make tank tops. My sister had a knitted tank top that she wore to death. I'd like to make her another one.

Tonight we're going to see Cirque du Soleil perform. I haven't seen them since they were here in Seattle for the Goodwill Games. I don't know ... you do the math. A loooooong time ago, that's for sure. The show has been getting good reviews. I'm excited about seeing it. And it'll keep me from feeling guilty about not unpacking more stuff. Oh it'll have to be done but not right this second.

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