27 July, 2009

I shall try not to whine

Ah yes ... back to work after more than 3 weeks away. It was very difficult to get out of bed this morning. I know these next few days will zoom by, thankfully, because I have tons of stuff to do. Oh but the heat! It is going to be in the 90s all week! And even though our main office was remodeled they neglected to give us air conditioning! I am not in the main corridor, however, so my office is cooler than those with the windows facing west.

It is not easy for me to get comfortable because if I have my leg down it starts hurting and to put it up I have to twist my body around to type and see my screen. I can't put my leg up right in front of me. I'm going to have to get clever because I can't stay twisted.

I started the Frost Flowers stole a week ago Saturday. What a project! This lace knitting is "real" lace knitting, as opposed to the other kind I've done where there is always a plain row after a pattern row. This is just row after row of pattern. Once you cast on the 997 stitches, you do a few rows before joining. I was so afraid I had the darned thing twisted. I finally had Mr. M help me by holding the circular needle for me while I made sure it was on there straight. Here's a picture of where I was after 7 hours (!) on that first Saturday. Granted I was still on pain pills so I might have been a little slower than normal but yikes. And here's a picture 8 rows in, taken this morning on my way out the door. You can start to see the pattern finally. Still it is an hour a row so I don't imagine I'm going to be moving along very quickly. NOT TV knitting, that's for sure.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday Mr. M was doing a job at one of the 3 street fairs in Bellevue. The poor guy was mixing sound for the only music stage they had at this fair, so he was stuck there all day, every day. Luckily for him the food booths were near to him. My little great niece and I went to visit on Saturday. The main draw for me was the new Wii Resort game that they were demonstrating and that's where Sophia and I spent most of our time. It was so bloody hot that neither one of us wanted to stay long. We went home, turned on the air conditioning and played video games until our eyes bled. She was happy.

Now, back to real work!

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