30 July, 2009

It was indeed a record

All I can say is thank goodness for the air conditioning. When I finally dragged myself through the door last night and looked at the indoor/outdoor temperature ..... would you believe me if I said it was 30 degrees cooler inside the house? The temperature outside read 105, and inside 75. It felt like Arizona out there! I took Tink for a little walk around the block and that was about all she wanted too.

This heat just sucks all of the energy out of me. I couldn't even knit. I just played Mario Kart and watched stupid TV and made a little food for Mr. M, who left the house at 6am and got home at 9pm, and ate, went to bed and got up and is doing it all over again today. I swear, I don't know how he does it! He's got two shows running simultaneously - one at Boeing and one at Microsoft. And one of his best employees has the flu. Talk about timing.

I am going to a meeting next week at Gilda's Club. They are offering a 16 week training for free to run the half marathon November 29 if you pledge to raise $750 for them. Since my nephew wants to do a triathlon I asked him if he wanted to do it with me and he does! It's going to be perfect timing for me. I'm really excited about it.

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