11 January, 2017

Hidden benefits

Have I mentioned how much I love retirement?  Oh I do.  I really really do.  I have noticed that people are much nicer now that I don't have to deal with them during rush hour or on a crowded bus or at the grocery store when everyone else is shopping.  In the world where there are no places to run to, things are just better and people are happier.

So I wanted to pick up that wood on Thursday but Wednesday night Ben jumped the truck but it wouldn't take a charge.  The battery was dead.  On the way to the dentist Thursday I talked to the wood guy and told him the truck was dead so I couldn't pick up the wood.  Even though he had said the previous Saturday that they would NOT deliver the wood, for some reason he said "Oh, well I'll just deliver it then for an extra $25".  Done!  How awesome!  The guy delivered it and after I had a little lunch I set out to stack it.  How's that for feeling better?  I stacked that entire cord of wood all by  myself and I wasn't even sore the next day.  Very proud of myself.

Saturday was Seahawks Saturday and they beat the Lions, so this Saturday they will be playing Atlanta in Atlanta.  We beat them before, but here in Seattle.  Most of our players are well so with a little luck we should win.

My latest "thing" is a potager garden.  I have been buying books and I think I've got the place for it.  I need to measure the part of the lawn that I want to use for the garden and see if it'll work.  It really is the only place that gets enough sun during growing season.  Because of the rabbits and deer it will have to be enclosed.  It will take a good bit of work, but Ben is up for it.  Still there is much planning to do.

Speaking of planning, one of my chores for today is planning a vacation in Hawaii for March.  I am very much up for that.

04 January, 2017

A second wave

Can you believe it?!  Just when I was starting to feel better, I got worse!  WAY worse.  Friday I had to get out of bed because the house cleaner was coming, and I had a couple of things I had to do, so thankfully she switched up to the morning.  I got her to do the master suite first and did my couple of errands and collapsed into bed and I was miserable for the entire weekend.  I think I used an entire box of Kleenex myself.  Holy cow.  I am still sniffling but I feel 100% better than I did over the weekend.  Poor Ben.  Not to say he was feeling much better than I was.  We've had a miserable holiday season.  Thankfully there was tons of good football.  The Huskies faced the number 1 team and gave them a good game.  They lost but it was a good fight.  The Seahawks won and they will play the Lions Saturday for the first playoff game.  Football is winding down.  Not good.

Because I'm still congested there is no going to the gym.  I've kept busy.  I found that Tink doesn't care how cold it is - she still wants her park walks.  And is it ever cold!  Below freezing and sunny.  Beautiful.  I found a place to buy a cord of wood but I need to pick it up.  I'll have to do it in two trips because the bed of the truck will only hold half a cord.  I am going to pick up the first load tomorrow after my dentist appointment.  I thought it would be a good idea to get the truck warmed up today and put a towel on the windshield so I could drive it tomorrow.  Unfortunately it won't start so Ben will have to jump it tonight when he gets home.

I need a new knitting project.  I have some WIPs.  Perhaps I should go through them and see if they're worth picking back up.

Mostly what I want to do it plan a vacation.  I know that Emma is wanting to have her 40th birthday in Las Vegas so I need to find out if she has nailed down those plans yet so I can piggy-back on that.  Maybe we can go to Las Vegas for a couple of days and then go to visit Ben's cousin and his wife in their new retirement home in Utah.  They've been bugging us to come visit.  I'd rather plan an exotic vacation though.  A cruise to Cuba?