29 September, 2009

Did you hear that??

SO strange .... Monday morning, very early as in about 4 or 4:30 am, I woke up. What woke me is that I heard someone say "Hullo". I recognized the voice. It was some sort of aural hallucination because, obviously, no one was in my bedroom saying "Hullo" to me. But that did it for the sleeping for a few hours. I drifted off a couple times around 6 or so but needless to say, I was a zombie yesterday. And yesterday evening we had a dinner party to go to, so I I couldn't wait to get into bed. I read for about half an hour and I was off to dreamland. I am feeling pretty good today, thank goodness, because it's a real bitch of a week.

Last Friday was a good run, considering I had ridden my bike in. I had a busy weekend too. I did a few errands in the morning and then rehearsal in the evening. I was able to knit on the Frost Flowers Stole for about an hour or an hour and a half before I had to head over to Doug's for rehearsal. Now that we have a bass player Doug is very keen on getting some set lists together and starting to rehearse sets so we can gig. While at rehearsal I used another cool iPhone app to find out what was happening with the Husky/Stanford game. Huskies lost, but they fought well.

Mr. M's son was busy getting ready to head back to school on Sunday morning when I returned home Saturday night. I was, unfortunately, in very bad humor because he had left the door to the house unlocked when he left while we were out running errands earlier that day. I was VERY angry and let it out on him when I got back from rehearsal. He swore he locked it, but he is a notorious liar and I didn't believe him. It is very difficult to give a pathological liar the benefit of the doubt, like his father does. I am, quite frankly, thrilled that he is back at school and dreading his return at Thanksgiving and Christmas. And, as you might imagine, his father and I had some sharp words about it on Sunday. I don't think it's too much to ask that someone maintain some normal level of hygiene, for example. Mr. M thinks my standards are too high. (!!) Good heavens. Well, I'm not going to go down that road - it just gets me steamed up again.

Sunday morning I went out for my weekly training run with the other Gilda's Gang runners. [Speaking of that .... now would be a fine time to donate. Click on the box above and support me and my fund raising efforts for Gilda's Club.] The weather was perfect for running - not too hot, sunny, a little breeze. We did 4.25 miles. I must say, I was feeling pretty darned good. Not sore at all! This coming weekend it's 6.5 miles. My nephew has completely dropped out because he seriously hurt his knee. I am little bummed about that, but I'm not going to quit.

After my run I was worn out, as usual. I still had all the laundry to do, cleaning up of the boy's mess, grocery shopping, dog washing .... etc. etc. I did manage to get another few rows done on the stole after the Seahawks stunk up the place and lost. I need some serious time off but I've been looking at my work schedule and I don't know when I'll be able to do it until November. I will get somewhat of a rest when Mr. M goes away for 9 days, the first week of November. If my sister can come up I may take a long weekend with her. I have plenty of vacation, just no time to use it!

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