A place for me to vent and to talk about my projects, not necessarily in that order.
31 December, 2007
A super duper vacation
20 December, 2007
Looks like I'm going to make it
Oh it is going to be SO nice to have two whole weeks off! And I told everyone at the lunch yesterday that I am definitely NOT going to even open my work email for those whole two weeks. If anyone wants me they're going to have to track me down and trick me into opening the door. Blogging is also going to be a bit sparse. I am not taking my laptop to California with me so it'll have to be blogging by phone and we all know how ugly that is. I haven't even thought about knitting to take with me ..... I guess I'll take the socks I'm working on and the Liesel scarf which is not really mindless knitting since it's lace, but it's easy lace. I have hours and hours left to go on the socks so they can be my mindless knitting.
The band is booked for Valentine's Day and the leader is bugging me to get my picture up on the web site and make a few changes. I have got to quit telling people what I do.
19 December, 2007
Straight No Chaser - 12 Days
My friend Kirby sent this to me and it's too good not to put here for everyone to enjoy! Really cute!
18 December, 2007
Getting down to the line
Of course I got home late late late and all I wanted to do was sleep Sunday but chores beckoned so I hauled myself up at 10, which was TOO early. I didn't even have time for much knitting - just odd this and that and an open house. I crashed at the open house - it was a new recording studio and while I normally would be all over that, I was just exhausted. So I took another nice nap (two in one weekend!) and got up refreshed and did laundry and cooked a nice dinner and worked on my socks.
Last night would have been an ideal time to finish up the hat but I had some other errands to run and by the time I finished the paper it was nearly 7, so I decided to take the night off and just watch some TV and that's what I did! I have a friend who is turning 50 in January and wanted a live band at his party. I told him I wasn't going to be able to pull it off, but then a friend called last night to say he is in fact going to be in town for the party so I had to start getting the logistics of that handled. It'll be a huge surprise for Steve. He knows he's getting a band but ... he doesn't know who is going to be in it. That's the surprise.
Maybe tonight I can finish up that hat or if not tonight, then knitting at lunchtime tomorrow for sure. And that's going to be it. I still have to tuck in the ends of the basket weave scarf and headband I made. Plus I've got to get everything wrapped and get packed all by Thursday evening. It's pretty darned difficult to get actual work done when I has so many other things I would like to get done. But ... that's the way it goes.
14 December, 2007
Knit night
Next week shouldn't be so bad since there will be no rehearsing. I miss having a tree though. That's the only bad thing about going away for Christmas. It's difficult to get in the spirit when there's no tree around!
13 December, 2007
BIG yawn
I don't feel too frantic about my Christmas knitting -- not yet anyway. I think I'll start feeling the panic next week. Right?
11 December, 2007
Back to winter
Friday I mostly spent sleeping. In the afternoon I got my hair done and did some grocery shopping and that was about it. Saturday Tinkie got a new hairdo and I finished up my sister's Sunflower Tam (no, I didn't take pictures!! - what a dope) and it started snowing in the afternoon. Not hard, thankfully. But it is really cold here!! The BF was doing sound for a play at a little church so I went to see that. Sunday I went to the Seahawks game! Ooooowee!! First of all it was freezing cold! Thank goodness for long underwear. Second of all - they won! Yay! So it was a good football weekend.
I was supposed to go back to work Monday but my boss, bless his heart, had suggested that I might want to take a day for myself and sure enough, when 6:30 am rolled around Monday morning and I was cozy under my duvet and comforter ... I sorta wanted to stay in bed. So I did. I had a rehearsal last night and had songs to practice so the day went by rather quickly. Got my sister's b'day presents sent off and that's about it. Oh ... I worked a bit more on the lace scarf, Liesel. My Scoop de Jour is taunting me from the back of the couch where I refuse to move it until I finish putting it together!! This should be WIP week.
06 December, 2007
Uh huh .... that didn't last long
I did get some good knitting done yesterday. I got the heels turned and the gussets picked up for both of the socks. No problems. Now it's just finish up the heel decreases and knit the foot. Must say I'm very proud of myself for pulling that off.
I took the bus into town and even though the weather was nasty I just kept on, got a bit wet, but ended up doing almost all of my Christmas shopping. I'm happy about that. And now I think I'll get cleaned up. John and Judy are taking me for dinner and then to the airport. I think I'm going to be quite happy to be home, even though it's cold.
04 December, 2007
I got almost finished with the heel flaps on my socks yesterday. But I don't anticipate much knitting today unless the weather changes. I am going to go lay by the pool! Maybe work up the nerve to go snorkeling. It's kind of a drag being here alone. I mean I know lots of people here but they are with their spouses or science buddies so I don't have anyone to just hang out with. Going to the beach is always better with someone.
03 December, 2007
Lots of pictures
Okay, next on the WIP list is the Sunflower Tam. I'm getting
And finally I'm making a pair of mitts for a friend's little girl. I found this beautiful mohair blend
Okay that's all for now. Fingers crossed for some sun!!
02 December, 2007
Sunday's view
This was taken a few hours ago. Now it is looking like rain.
I haven't yet taken any pictures with my regular camera. Hopefully tomorrow when we have a free afternoon. I have been working. I arrived Thursday night, worked all day Friday and Saturday and so far ... today. But I'm going to stop for little while. Things are running okay for now.
I will have some good WIP pictures tomorrow. I got tons done on my socks on the airplane and I good start to my sister's Sunflower Tam last night while I was listening to the football game. I say listening because for some odd reason there was no picture, just sound. All the other channels had pictures but the biggest football game in Hawaiian history? Sound only. The Huskies played well and were ahead but ... ultimately lost and now Hawaii is undefeated.
I don't know what's up with the underlining ... can't get rid of it. Ah well. I feel like things are possessed here today. The lights have been flickering and computers going crazy and the wind and maybe rain. Very strange.