04 November, 2009

How could this happen again?

Well of course that is a rhetorical question, since I have been listening to medical students hacking and coughing and sneezing nonstop. I am practically paranoid about washing my hands, not touching doorhandles, etc. but with the amount of people and germs around work it's tough. So yesterday I started getting a cold. I had been planning on working from home today anyway since Mr. M is still out of town and there are people coming to work here today, so I've got plenty to do. Now if I can just manage to kick this cold to the curb as well as get my work done, I'll be happy.

No running yesterday of course. It was a gorgeous day, too. As it is today. This is such a nice autumn we're having. Let's hope we don't get the kind of winter we had last year again.

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