21 July, 2008

Coals to Newcastle

This was the first weekend in I don't know how long that we haven't had any obligations. It was just wonderful!! The weather was great and all we had to do was relax and have fun. Friday I even got to do a little knitting. Not much, but enough to keep my hand in.

One of my goals for the weekend was to organize my music on my laptop and reload the music on my iPhone. That ended up to be a HUGE project that went on and on all weekend. I did get it done though and I am happy to say it is full! There was new software to download so you basically had to start from scratch. I bought an app, Scrabble, which is awesome! But now I wish I hadn't been so impatient when S gave this to me in February and waited a week for the 16 gig one because I have completely filled up this 8 gig model. I mean completely!

On Saturday instead of going to the Bite of Seattle we went shopping for stuff for the new house. Got some great ideas and when we went to the new house Sunday evening to take measurements I was gratified to find that yes indeed I can fit a chaise lounge in my office/yarn room! Woohoo! The current owners are just sweethearts and thanked us for "taking this house off our hands"! We even met some neighbors. I've got a lot of work ahead of me this week but I tell you, I cannot wait to get moving!!

Sunday was another gorgeous day and S wanted to go for a bike ride. Oh man .... and the poor guy looked at me kind of sheepishly when he asked me. I knew he really wanted to go for a ride and what the heck, it wouldn't be like riding to work. I just took it really easy and it was fun rather than a chore. We rode out to the St. Michelle winery (where we're going tonight for a James Taylor concert) and on the way home stopped at a cute little barbecue stand for a snack.

There will be no knitting tonight because of the concert. And probably none tomorrow either because I'm meeting up with folks after work to celebrate a birthday. Wednesday .... knit Wednesday noon for sure!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have fun at James Taylor! I would love to see him in concert. :)