18 June, 2008

Not the best way to add protein to one's diet

Monday on the trail going home I was having a very difficult time with my allergies. There are so many cottonwood trees around here and Monday it was sunny and breezy and the little bits of fluff were everywhere! As I was laboring away up an incline I took a deep breath and swallowed a bug! Ick ick ick!!! I started coughing and coughing but of course I couldn't get it up. It must have been a little cloud of them because I heard a woman ahead of me exclaim to her riding partner that she too had swallowed a bug. I don't even want to guess what it might have been. But to add insult to injury, as I was gasping and coughing and trying to catch my breath I inhaled a piece of cottonwood fluff. It's dangerous out there.

Because I had to drive in today I decided to ride two days in a row. So I set out yesterday morning again in my shorts, having read the weather forecast which said 65 and mostly sunny. No mention of rain. It was cloudy when I pulled out of the drive and started my way down the hill to the trail. By the time I got on the trail and down it about 1/2 a mile it was raining and about 4 miles in it was really raining. Hard. And then, pouring! I made it to work in good time and it didn't even hurt too badly but oh my goodness, I was soaked to the bone! My hair was dripping and my legs were all muddy. It took me a couple of hours to warm up even though I had dry clothes to put on.

Thankfully the ride home wasn't wet - a bit windy, but not wet. And I made it! I woke up this morning feeling just normal, so maybe I can do 5 days a week of this ride. At least this week now I can do Thursday and Friday. Next week of course I'm only going to be here Monday and Tuesday. I am still going to keep complaining loudly to S about it because I don't want him to think it's okay for us to find a house 15 miles away! I want to be in closer so my ride is only 30 minutes each way, give or take. I know that I would be able to face that through the winter. But 1 hour and 15 minutes each way - no way.

I had a dream last night that I was running. I haven't been running because of the long bike rides. I didn't think it would be prudent to put my body through a run after all that stress of the ride. But in my dream it felt so good! I miss it. Maybe after all the wedding stuff is done I can run on the weekends until we get moved.

I was going to work more on the Waterlily Top last night but I am facing a complicated row and I wanted to watch TV and knit, so I pulled out the socks I cast on before Hawaii and did a few rows of that. Perfect TV knitting. I brought the Waterlily Top to work today for noon knitting. And if the moving pod people don't call I will get to put in an hour on it. It's going quickly. I think I'll cast on for Fifi after this is done.

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