23 June, 2008

Seriously - round tires

It's all about round tires. I know ... shut up about your bike ride ... but really I am still amazed at the difference. One hour 4 minutes door to door. I was a little slower today for some reason, but last ride home 1:04 door to door AND I made it all the way up the last hill. Yes, energy left over for a little happy dance.

My Waterlily Top is awesome! I wish I had taken a picture this morning but I was really trying to get out of the door on time. I managed to finish up the front this weekend, which is done in two pieces. Even though the yarn is very thick and thin the stitch work still shows up nicely. It is, unfortunately, not the kind of project you can multi-task with. Not as bad as lace, but still you have to keep alert and that's why I didn't finish it. I might be able to finish it tonight though. Depends.

Next weekend is the big event. I am anxious to get it done! I am SO distracted that I am a menace to myself and others. While driving on Saturday I got lost twice, nearly ran over a pedestrian AND came that close to running a red light. I'm not joking. I try to write things down so there's not so much going on in my head but .... well try is the operative word. I try to be extra vigilant. No accidents allowed!!

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