17 April, 2012

Another sleeping pill trial

And the results are much different than the last time.  I had a early hair appointment after work.  Dana is leaving this morning for Thailand and so she was trying to get her last appointments done before she had to leave.  Of course I brought Tink in with me because it makes for too long a day if I leave her home and she loves being at the salon and getting all the attention.  Even though we started at 3:45 it wasn't until some time after six that we actually got out of there and headed home.  I had some nice fresh salad at home, so I just picked up a little pizza and that would be dinner.  While I was carrying on a conversation with my sister I got us home, upstairs, my laundry sorted and into the machines and even went down stairs and reloaded my laundry card, all the while keeping up with the conversation.  Kelli rolled her ankle last Thursday which has seriously curtailed her Pilates activities so she finds she's got a lot of time on her hands, especially since Mike is back from making the pilot.  I had to cut her loose though so I could play with Tink and get my salad put together.

I had a nice bottle of Malbec I had picked up at Trader Joe's on Saturday so I opened that and did  a couple rows on the cardigan  while I was waiting for the laundry to be done.  Tink got another short walk around the garden while the clothes were drying, then I had to get my diner ready since it was getting late -- for me anyway.  I got all my laundry done and folded.  No point in putting it away since I'm going to be putting most of it into a suitcase tonight anyway.  So it was around 9 by this time and nothing on TV so I thought I would have my shower and get ready for bed, pop a sleeping pill and watch Firefly on my iPad until I fell into a deep sleep.  Unfortunately it didn't quite work that way.  It took much longer to get to sleep this time.  I don't know if it was that I took the pill to shortly after eating ... and I didn't eat much, just a little plain vegetable salad and 3 small slices of super thin pizza.  And the wine.  But for whatever reason it did take much longer for me to drop off.  I sleep soundly but the alarm at 6 was not going to happen.  I turned that one off and turned my iPhone for 6:30 wake up and even that was a toughie.  Groggy is the word I would use to describe my state of mind , even now.  And I as seeing double at the bus stop.  I'm going now for a second cup of tea and maybe some hot oatmeal will shake me out of this.  The good news is that I'm flying into an airport I am not completely ignorant of.  Even if I don't get met, I should be able to keep it together enough to get onto the Heathrow Express.

I got an email from my girlfriend I'm meeting up with in Bayeux saying she's been checking the weather and it's not going to be nice, so I should bring appropriate things.  I'm guess that means how I've been dressing around here lately - layers and long sleeved T-shirts and fleece hoodies.  You know.  Seattle sexy.  ;-)

Ok. Time for more tea and some food so I can come down!  woo ...

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