30 January, 2008

And the magic number is ......

48. That's the number of squares I have to knit in order to make that blanket. Two down, 46 to go. I think this may be a project that goes on and on and on for a while. I can't envision myself sitting around knitting squares (albeit pretty squares) for weeks and weeks. The inspiration may come and go, in other words. But I would truly like to do it so it's got a good chance of getting done.

I'm wearing my Cozy V-Neck Pullover today. It is cozy indeed. The temperature has risen out of the 30s - and my poor little face is very thankful. Now let's hope that's the last of the snow we'll be seeing this winter. Groundhog Day is just around the corner. I just have a funny feeling that we won't be getting an early spring this year. Just a feeling.

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