26 October, 2009

Taking another run at it

Okay so .... here it is Monday and I'm going to give the week another try. Do over. I lost an entire week. I did manage to do a few things but most of the week is a blur. I had to come into the office on Friday to do a couple things I cannot do from home. Truly, I would not have been able to do it on Thursday. I didn't do much on the weekend either. Mr. M worked all day Saturday and I washed the puppy and did some knitting (finally). It's funny - when I'm sick I just can't knit, which is a shame considering all the spare time one has when one is not working. hah ... aaaaanyway .. I got the sleeves on holders and the fronts joined on the white angora sweater I'm making. I am using the Simple Knitted Bodice as a jumping off point. Rather than do the lace under the bust line I'm going to do some ribbing and then make it plain after that, and do some flared sleeves and then a ruffle around the low neckline. I think it'll be cute.

My sister wants a coat and I believe I've found the perfect pattern for it. Chunky yarn so it won't take forever to make. And something that's washable as well. I'm not keen on using yarn with acrylic in it, but I might have to bend my rules a bit here and do it for the sake of washability.

I'm going to be very busy this week. I've got tons of work to do here, plus I've got to start running again tomorrow since I missed a whole week of training, obviously. I couldn't run yesterday after being sick all week. It does explain why my run the previous Sunday was so hard though, doesn't it? I was coming down with that flu. I am hoping that after a week of rest I will be very strong tomorrow. It is nice after a week off that nothing hurts! I had gotten used to that. No wonder I'm so crabby all the time.

Mr. M is heading off to Arizona for ten days on Friday and I've got to get him to the airport so I figured I'd just take a vacation day. Then it'll be just little Tinkerbell and me rattling around in that big house. I'll most likely have rehearsal on Saturday evening -- I hope, anyway. I don't want to have to deal with Trick-or-Treat so if I am home I'll just turn off the lights and hang out upstairs.

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