05 February, 2010

The royal "we"

Yesterday as I was getting ready to take a walk in the lovely sunshine up to the used book store, I got a call from Mr. M. "Can you take a little bad news?" ... this is how he starts the conversation. I don't know about you, but that kind of question makes me want to respond with something like "Hell no!" and a quick hang up. However, I managed to keep it to a curt "Just tell me." A traffic ticket had come in the mail that morning. Seems that on the way in to work on January 20th I was caught on a camera speeding in a school zone. There is a section of road labeled "School Zone" where I have never seen a child, nor is there a school visible. I always slow down though and remark on the fact that it seems rather silly when there are no children around. I'm going to contest it, for sure. The fine is ridiculously high and it's clear from the picture that my brake lights are on, and that had to have happened before the camera flash went off. I remember when it happened thinking that it couldn't have been for me, since I was going quite slow. And honestly, at this point I am more upset that Mr. M opened a piece of mail clearly addressed to me - in fact not even using my married name. I brought up the subject last night briefly. I am sure he thinks it's no big deal. I on the other hand think snooping is the worst kind of thing. I wouldn't dream of opening anyone's mail. Anyway .... rant off.

I did some work on the Enchanting scarf last night. I want to get that thing off the needles. It's pretty but I don't like knitting anything besides socks on size 2 needles.

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