10 November, 2010

Happy Fri-Wednesday

Yay!  The end of the short week.  I sure am looking forward to spending time with my  nephews.  And a spa day tomorrow to look forward to as well as a nice dinner out tonight.  All I have to do is make it through the day.

It started off cold, that's for sure.  As I was pulling out of the driveway on my bike the man across the street was scraping frost off his windshield!  There wasn't any ice along side the road or trail, thank goodness.  But I'm a little chilly still.  I should have brought a long sleeved top for work today rather than this short sleeved one, but it's usually so stuffy and warm in my closet. 

I had a lovely surprise waiting for me at home last night.  A couple weeks ago DBNY was having a sale on their grab bags.  I think it was left over stock from a yarn store buy out.  I thought I'd give it a shot and wow!  Totally worth the $25.  I think I got something like a dozen skeins.  Two skeins of several colors, and a few singles.  And the colors they picked out were great for me.  The patterns weren't anything much on first glance and a pair of long size 2 needles, pretty much useless for me.  But it was a great surprise.

Noon knitting today and I'm still slogging through the Cloisonne Jacket.  I am half way through the stranded color work.  I am able to do two or three rows in the hour we spend on Wednesdays.  I have so many other WIPs at home, I don't want to take it there or it'll get lost with the Shining Birds Eye shawl and the blue Green Gables and  ... oh! the white Simple Knitted Bodice that I haven't touched for a year.  Not to mention now I'm all gung ho on these convertible mittens.  I worked a bit on the cashmere ones last night.  I hope to be able to get some good work on them tomorrow.

I'm craving scrambled eggs.  Tough luck for me since our cafeteria doesn't make scrambled eggs.  I'll have to settle for oat meal or a scone.  Hmmmm ....

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