14 October, 2014

Tuesdays at the Transit Center

What a huge difference a few weeks makes at that Transit Center parking garage!  When I first started driving in and parking every morning it was still summer and there were always tons of parking spots.  Now though school has started for the med school and the undergrads.  Tuesday and Thursday mornings must be very popular for classes because I was just two or three minutes later than usual today and I had to hunt for a spot.  Since this is an express bus it only stops at a few places right off the freeway and if you're not at the Transit Center or the next stop you have to stand.  That bus is packed to overflowing.  I had to fight my way out of it this morning. 

It rained last night and I find that noise to be so soothing.  I slept like a log.  I was going to read but I couldn't keep my eyes open at 9, so I just turned over and fell asleep.  Ahhhhhh ..... better this morning.  Although I know I could have easily slept another two hours.  Maybe it's the darkness that is keeping me so sleepy these days. 

The nightmares have gone the way of the stress, thank goodness for that.  It was getting quite tiresome.  What hasn't gone away is the sensitivity of my teeth on the right side of my mouth.  Obviously I was clenching my jaws as well as having nightmares and I am afraid I've injured that tooth.  I'll give it another few weeks though.  I've got my cleaning appointment in November so that will give it enough time to heal, if it's going to.  I really want to avoid a root canal.

I'm looking forward to the little weekend getaway coming up in a little over a week.  A train ride to Portland for the weekend.  Hopefully there will be some sunshine and some good music.  Just getting away is fun for me, but getting away on a train is always better.

I wore my new red shoes all day yesterday, with the exception of a couple of hours in the afternoon when I put my running shoes on and went for a walk.  I can't run until my lungs are clear and, can you believe it, I'm still coughing!  It is getting better, slowly.  But what I can do it put on my running shoes and get out there for a real walk.  My concern was for my foot, and I can't say it didn't hurt at all.  It didn't hurt much though and I have heels on again today and I'm still not in pain.  This is a good thing.  I'll be running again real soon.  And in the meantime I can wear some nice shoes!  

What should I do with the rest of this tea?  Pour it over my head or drink it?  Which way is going to work faster??

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