27 April, 2010

All's well

Tink is all better. She came in and snoozed by me as I worked for most of the morning. After lunch I took her for a little walk and she perked up a bit. She was drinking water and she did do her business so I canceled the vet appointment and by late afternoon she was herself. I just can't let Mr. M be in charge of her in large crowds like on Sunday. He doesn't pay attention and she gets into all sorts of things. She is a dog and will eat most anything.

I worked on the cardigan, finishing up the garter rib portion of the body and starting on the long haul that will be the stockinette portion of the body. It is mind numbing knit and purl with the odd increase row thrown in for about six inches. This is the back and the two sides, since it's all of one piece, so the rows are long. It's good TV knitting. Too bad we don't have a new episode of LOST tonight, but a repeat of an episode that I've already seen twice.

It was pouring rain all night but it has lightened up this morning. I was looking forward to an easy run this lunchtime but I took my good, newer, running shoes home for the race and forgot to bring them back. So no run today. Maybe a little walk if the weather permits.

The weather is getting better and I really need to nail my butt to a chair and sew up those two seams on my dress. I should be able to wear that in a week or so.

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