11 June, 2012

Things that make me happy

  • The perfect roses I found Saturday.  Are they white? Are they pink? Gorgeous!
  • Having the barista at Starbucks call me by name and know that I want a tall skinny vanilla latte, please.
  • The zen of knitting.
  • Sunshine
  • Audiobooks
  • Knowing that at some point in the day, every day, I cross somebody's mind.
  • Good wine.
  • Crossword puzzles.
  • Clean sheets.
  • Running
  • Vacations
  • My dog.
  • A good sleep.
I had a very quiet and calm weekend.  I needed to de-stress and to keep my mind off of certain things I have no control over.  I find listing things that make me happy helps in that regard.

I went out Friday night for an hour or so for cocktails and that was about it for my social life for the whole weekend.  Which was fine with me.  Saturday I had a hair appointment, ran a few errands and walked Tink.  Then I had hours to work on my Aristida both Saturday and Sunday.  I finished the second of four repeats of the body chart and got half way through the third by yesterday evening.  The rows are starting to take time now as it grows, but the pattern is fairly simple so it's not that difficult.  Plus the back sides are all purl - lace knitting as opposed to knitted lace, which is a killer with complicated pattern stitches on both sides.  Never again!

We didn't get to have much in the way of walks yesterday, which was disappointing for me.  Tink did something to her foot and was limping slightly.  I looked and couldn't find anything obvious and she wasn't in that much pain because she was happy playing ball and running around the apartment.  But when we went outside she would go to the garden to do her business and then refuse to walk any further.  And she was limping quite noticeably.  But this morning she is fine so whatever it was, it wasn't bad.

I mentioned that I finished up the last of my Shardlake audiobooks last week.  I was wrong - they did have them all and I have listened to them all.  I must confess that part of the ways I search for audiobooks is length, and those books were always right there first on the list because they are all nearly 20 hours long.  Now that I have gone through all of them the next longest on that search was another book set in England, but this time the late 1800's.  It's called "The Yard".  At first I wasn't liking the narrator because I was having a hard time distinguishing the characters, but after a bit I figured it out.  It is a little gory but the details about the time are interesting.

I didn't do any closet cleaning AGAIN!  I know ... I am so bad.  I will have to go through my things before I go on vacation because I'll be needing summer clothes.  Maybe if the weather stays nice I'll be ready to dig in this coming weekend.  It's beautiful today.  Can we go an entire week without rain?

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