Yesterday evening the rains came and it really poured. It smelled so nice - wet earth. And it sounded lovely too. I had had a bad day yesterday - except for noon knitting - and it was rather soothing. This morning it's not actually raining, but still the air is wet and it's misty. It won't last long, but I think this cooler weather will be with us for a while and for that I'm grateful.
I managed to dial in to my meeting yesterday and get on the correct bus - yay me. The meeting went on long enough for me to get to the Transit Center, drive home in horrific traffic and walk Tinkerbell. In other words, it went over time. I just don't know ..... things are SO weird and things are still up in the air. It is not going to be easy to get through another entire year of this, but I must do it. Day by day. Today I get to go to the gym. There's a good thing.
I've got to get the heating air ducts cleaned before we turn the furnace back on this year. After that remodel and the floor refinishing the ducts were NOT cleaned and I believe it did not do my asthma any favors. This year it will be done - the sooner the better.
My Shangri-la is getting to have some weight and substance and it is such a comfort to work on. I got another couple of rows done yesterday between noon knitting and the evening stupid TV time. (Although stupid TV time now includes football news so that's good). After I finish the next beaded row I will take stock of my yarn and see how much further I can go. I think four repeats and the edging will be fine, especially blocked, but if I can make it another repeat I shall do it because I like my wraps to be long.
Oh I hope I can stay awake. While I love this cloudy weather it does make me sleepy.
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