12 March, 2008

It would be funny if it weren't so freakin' annoying!!!!

My dryer broke yesterday evening. This is the third time in less than 2 years! I just cannot believe it! The first time I called a repairman and had him fix it. A friend of mine at work said that I should have just done it myself - it's very easy. Well, since it broke down only a few months after that and I couldn't afford to call the repairman I downloaded instructions from the web and with the help of my nephew we managed to fix it. And now AGAIN! The good news is that there are only 3 things that can be wrong with it that manifest in this particular symptom - no heat - and I've fixed two of them. So I should just be able to go straight to that third thing. Should. I couldn't face it last night. Maybe tonight. It's just ridiculous timing! I mean .... I'm going to be putting this house on the market in a few weeks. I don't want to be buying a new dryer for whomever is going to be buying the house. grrrrr

Knitting-wise I have hit a wall with that Mystery Jacket. I think if I loved the color, if I had gotten the color I originally ordered, I wouldn't be where I am now. But I don't really know if I'd wear the thing once it was finished and I am crazy in love with my Simple Knitted Bodice so that's the long way of saying I didn't work on Clue 4 last night but rather worked on the SKB. Oh well.

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