29 March, 2011

Almost back to normal

Okay then .... what an ordeal.  But I feel pretty good this morning, thankfully.  My  mouth is a little sore but otherwise I seem to be in fine shape.  I slept well last night, most likely because I wasn't in so much pain.

Despite the impending dental appointment, I had a pretty good weekend.  I had a few things I really wanted to get accomplished.  I started off bright and early Saturday morning.  After Tink's walk (in the rain) we headed out to Tuesday Morning where I found a gorgeous comforter set and sheets to match, plus more towels.  I tried to have a manicure but they were too busy for me so I took a quick trip to the mall and then went home for an hour or so before my hair appointment.  I worked hard on the stains on the carpet in my bedroom and so far no luck.  One of them, I now realize, is a burn from someone ironing on the carpet.  The other looks like oil.  I will give it another try and then I guess I'm going to have to find a throw rug to put down because it is driving me crazy!

Sunday was my day for hanging picture and mirrors, etc.  I had friends coming over in the evening to help with the larger things but, after a quick trip to the store and a manicure, I managed to get most everything hung to my satisfaction.  It is looking more homey now that I have all my nice things up and out.  The only thing I have yet to try is my Wii.  My friend Monika is very good with electronics but neither she nor her husband could get the speaker system to work with the TV.  Supposedly it works with the Wii but I haven't had the courage to try it yet.  I will this week for sure.

I did just a little bit of knitting on Saturday night.  I am quite anxious to block the Cloisonne Jacket but am still waiting for the blocking pads, as I am still waiting for my contacts!  I ordered them right after I moved in and it's more than a week now and no sign of them.  I don't know how I missed ordering new ones when I opened the last boxes but I did.  Anyway my eyes are getting a nice break.

It's looking quite spring-like around here.  If only the temperature would rise a bit.

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