05 December, 2014

Now that's more like it

Ah yes.  Rain, mist, and well above freezing.  The snow is gone from the grass and no ice on the windshield.  Yesterday was the last day of Histo, today is the last day of the other med student classes, then finals next week.  I've got to proctor one exam.  Then I'll have two weeks to get the grades in from Anatomy and get ready for the one class I have for Winter quarter.  I think it's going to be a very very quiet month.

I got my first Yarnbox Luxe box yesterday.  We got four skeins of yarn - two each of Blue Sky Alpaca Metallica and Techno.  Plus some fancy stitch markers and a copy of Pompom magazine (a British publication we don't often see around her) plus two more patterns.  A dozen patterns in all.  I was hoping for cashmere, actually.  They got cashmere in the last Luxe box so I guess that was a vain hope.  The Metallica ... wow is it ever soft.  Baby alpaca and silk.  Insane.  The other, the bulky Techno, is incredibly light.  I have no idea how I'm going to use these yarns, but use them I will.  I am considering discontinuing my regular yarnbox after this next 3 month subscription is used up and then just keep on with the Luxe.  I have SO much yarn.  Truly I don't need any more right now.  I will think on it.

Big weekend coming up.  We're going to get the Christmas tree on Saturday.  And Sunday is a big Seahawks game against the Eagles.  Tink is going to get a bath Saturday morning, and I'm hoping to be able to get a few hours in of quiet knitting.  Maybe go out for a drink or something Saturday night or have somebody over for some games or a movie.  Calm, no hassle.  No snow!  Sounds nice, doesn't it?

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