04 January, 2006

It's not as easy as it looks!

I started frogging the lace peplum sweater last night. I thought once I got the seams undone -- which in itself was no easy matter -- that it would be smooth going. It was anything but. It wasn't until I was laying in bed that I realized what the problem was. What kept happening is that I would frog the bottom lace part easily but when I got up to the stockinette band I couldn't get an end free. Duh. That's because the bottom lace part was knit down from the provisional cast-on edge of the stockinette part. Dang! I am therefore going to have to frog the bottom up to the smooth part, then start from the top cast-off edge and work down. I just hope that can be done. Well ... I'm sure it can, just how easy it's going to be is another thing. The pattern calls for a crocheted edge around the neck for finishing and I am so dedicated to hiding yarn ends that I may just have to try to snip it off without compromising the whole neck. But the first part of the asymmetrical v-neck was finished and looks so very lovely in that alpaca yarn. It's almost glossy. I still love that yarn. I am hoping that since this sweater will fit looser that it won't be as itchy. Anyway, I can wear a cami under it.

All of those vacation days took their toll in an unexpected way. Tinkerbell was so used to me being home and playing with her, or her having stimulus from other people, that she just plain wouldn't stop last night! Our typical routine is that I get home, give her a nice walk, play ball for a few minutes and then she'll generally amuse herself while I read the paper and cook and then again later in the evening she'll have another go at "chase the squirrel" or "where's the ball" and she's ready to go to bed around 10:30. Granted, our walk was a little shorter than usual due to the pouring rain and frigid temperature, but she still got plenty of ball playing. But my idea of plenty and her idea of plenty were about 2 hours apart. When she wasn't wanting me to throw the ball she was wanting tummy scratches or just a little wrestling around. I know it must be dead boring for her after more than a week of constant attention, but round about 9:30 I was getting a little frustrated. She got interested in her bone, thank goodness, and had a good gnaw while I heightened my level of frustration trying to unravel that sweater. By now she was totally into the bone so while I was getting ready for bed, she took the bone outside in the front. I couldn't part her from it so I let her take it on the bed just so I could turn out the light and try to sleep. I had to get up and let her out when she was ready to sleep about an hour later - after a good chew she always needs a drink of water and a little go around the front yard. But she was restless and got me up once more in the night. Little dickens!! I assume she'll get back into the old routine sooner or later. Let's hope it's sooner, eh?

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