26 January, 2006


I'm almost off! I will be leaving work for the airport at 3:15 today and my plane takes off at 6:30 tonight. I stayed up until after 1 am last night to get that sweater to the point where I could put the sleeves on waste yarn. So now I have a totally portable project and I don't have to take my sewing kit on board, just the needles. I didn't want to hassle with the sewing scissors - maybe losing them to the security guys - and my needle, heaven knows what a weapon THAT could be.

I am going to miss my dog a lot!! Otherwise I'm anxious to get out of here. I will be able to blog from Europe with my camera phone if I don't get to an internet cafe. I am anxious to visit the yarn shops - I've looked on the internet and see that there's on in my old neighborhood. I think it's new though, because I sure don't remember it being there when I lived there. Of course, I wasn't into knitting then so I could have missed it.

Guess I should go get some lunch.

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