22 June, 2006

Twice the fun

... and many more times the chaos. Here's a bad picture. It was way off in perspective since Jasmine is sitting and Tink is laying down. I'll take more because they are just SO CUTE together! And as I surmised they keep each other occupied so I was able to do some uninterrupted knitting last night after I picked her up. Didn't get the cardigan down far enough to put the sleeves on holders before it was time for 'Lost', so maybe tonight. There were two back to back episodes of 'Lost' last night, both shows I haven't seen. I watched one and recorded the later one for tonight.

It's a lovely sunny day today - no June low clouds for a change. Sun equals X-back top so I need to just sit myself down and finish that thing. I know I can do it in a couple of sessions and I really want to because I have so many other projects I am keen to start but .... only 3 going at a time is the rule. I pair of socks to tote around with me and two other projects.

I have got to rant just a bit this morning. I happened to be in a position to eavesdrop on a couple having a conversation while I was waiting for an elevator. A young woman doing most of the talking. This was a well educated person talking about her position in student affairs but here she was ending each sentence as if it were a question! I just wanted to grab her by the shoulders and shout "Make a statement, girl! Be definite!! What are you asking? 'I work in student affairs?' Yes, yes you DO!" It makes me crazy!! That's why I am most happy when around students to be plugged into my iPod.

1 comment:

Sherrill said...

LOL...I so have a mental picture of you shaking and telling her to get a grip? LOL

Ah...sun. We were a tad cloudy down this way, but driving DD#1 soon to be car is showing that there is warmth out there...no AC. The Tahoe is just waiting for me and a hot summer day...:)

Would love to see pic of XBack when you can...not something I would ever be able to wear, but DD#1 might like it.

Off to work on that blasted vest...the black hole of knitting, I swear. I knit and knit and knit...never getting anywhere, much like a treddlemill.

The kids are adorable...love the ying/yang of colors between the two.

Happy Friday Eve to you...