09 June, 2006

What a strange week

When I was riding home Wednesday afternoon I had the distinct feeling that it was Friday! I did remember almost right away that it was only Wednesday, but when I got to work yesterday I was expecting to have to proctor an exam. I couldn't find the exams and called the instructor only to find out that the exam is today, Friday. Yes .. it is finally Friday. Oh J-O-Y!! Even though I am going to have to do yard work tomorrow, I find that I'm actually looking forward to it a bit. And this rainy weather will make the weeds come out of the ground just that much easier, right?

I worked on my sock while I was visiting my dad and then when I got home I picked up my Knitted Flowers book and made a leaf. I love that book. It's so nice when you need just a bit of instant gratification. Boom! In a few minutes you've got a flower. What to do with them? Well who cares? They're lovely just sitting in my basket.

I've decided what I'm going to do for my second package for my secret pal. Hopefully I can gather it all together this weekend so I can post it off to her before the end of the month.

As for my weekend knitting ..... I would love to finish that ribbon top but maybe just maybe I'll make a bunny from one of my Secret Pal's gifts. It has been calling me. What does a bunny sound like? It doesn't sound like Bugs, thankfully.

1 comment:

Sherrill said...

I'm sure Bunny will thank you for knitting itself up. :)

Got the sewing itch myself today, washing my fabric yardage and with grand ideas, hope to crank out a few aprons, a tunic and maybe a skirt. I'm very hopefully as I work on my vest and dream of another IK pattern I am itching to start on.

Between sewing and knitting, I hope to get a bit done in my garden (oh, those weeds just grow so darn fast) and make up some strawberry jam...DH loves Smuckers...I haven't purchased a jar of jam from the store in oh...almost 18 years.

Have a great weekend...I'll be checking back for bunny updates.