11 January, 2007

My winter wonderland!

I took this with my camera phone this morning about 8 am just before I took off for work. Walking, yes. Although I did see a few people on bikes. I would much rather walk than risk falling down on the icy streets, like my friend Andy did this morning! And I like to walk so it's a bonus. I just dress warmly, plug in the ol' iPod and away I go. You can't tell in this picture but the sky is clear so it was just gorgeous coming in -- blue sky and white snow. I'm thankful I don't have to drive anywhere. Because I wouldn't!

I drove in yesterday because of errands I had to run for Dad. I left work at about 4 or so and it was just starting to snow and by the time I got home it was really coming down! I took pity on Tink who hadn't had a walk the night before and bundled up and away we went. About half way through the walk she was ahead of me, high tailing it for home. Enough of this mess!! But she was rambunctious for a good portion of the evening. I don't know, there's something about the cold weather that just puts the dickens into her! Needless to say what with throwing the ball and the sock and talking on the phone, I didn't get much knitting done on those blasted mitts. I finished the penultimate one and got 3 cable repeats done on the last. If I can get serious I can finish them up tonight, but I've got to just buckle down and knit and knit and knit. We'll see. I am pretty motivated to finish these buggers.

My weekend is shaping up to be a good one. In fact, I am actually going out Friday night. No lie. To a restaurant. Swear to god. Plus there's great football on Sunday. AND Monday is a holiday. Woohoo

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