18 January, 2012

Working in paradise

This morning I've been doing work that I couldn't get done before I left because I had to wait for input.  I was a bit concerned that I wouldn't get it in time and have trouble connecting with the whale watching tour tomorrow, but I got it this morning before breakfast.  It has taken a lot longer than I had anticipated, partly because I didn't realize that this MacBook has neither Acrobat nor Photoshop!  I mostly use it for troubleshooting and taking to class and do the Photoshop type stuff on my desktop machine.  I downloaded Acrobat Reader but the image problem was a little more difficult to handle.  I did a workaround .. hopefully it will pass.  Otherwise the instructor is going to have to do her own image work and send me a completed picture.  She's not all that keen on it so I hope she likes my fix.

I spent yesterday afternoon working on my tan at the pool and reading fashion magazines.  I have now gone through all of my magazines and I had to download a book from iTunes.  I think I have found another cause of elbow pain.  It was nearly gone until I spent some time reading from my iPad.  I had a painful night and I think it's a direct cause and effect.  Today I will try holding the iPad in my other hand ... duh ....

There was nothing on last night and my school friend has still not surfaced, so I expect the lady is monopolizing his time.  I got hold of my cousin's email address finally, after having left it on my shelf at home, but he's not responded either.  I could have gone to see the volcano with my boss and his wife and daughter, but I have seen it twice already and I would like to be here in case my cousin surfaces, so I declined. 

And now ... I have another entire afternoon and evening of rest and relaxation.  Honestly, I don't mind.  I need to soak up all the rest and relaxation I can because February is going to be a tough month.  A really tough month.  I am not the only person here on their own at all, but they have scientific colleagues to hang around with and I do not.  So that does leave me at loose ends.  I have a good book to read and whale watching tomorrow!  And who knows, my cousin or my friend could show up too.

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