27 March, 2015

It lives

Holy cow.  Monday went from bad to worse.  I had such a terrible cough and by lunchtime I was really hacking and feeling terrible.  I went home, went straight to bed and stayed there for three days.  I tried to get in yesterday, but half way through my morning teeth brushing, face washing I knew it was a lost cause and back to bed I went.  Tink was not such a good doggie, since it was sunny most of those days and she was always wanting to go outside, then she'd bark.  Oh well, I'm nearly 100% and back in the saddle today.  Friday.  Good heavens. 

And now we're only three weeks away from leaving and I've got a full plate here at work plus the last minute things I've still not done - getting Tinkerbell's boarding sorted, the shuttle to Beauvais, the museum tickets for Florence .....  I suspect I'll be able to carve out some time this afternoon.  I won't be going to the gym at lunchtime.

So I am thinking -- I've been sick how many times since July?  July, September, at least once more in November or December and now this?  What's different this year?  I'll tell you, it's the flu shot. I thought I was being so smart and it ends up I've been sick more times this year than last, when I didn't have a flu shot.  Crazy.

Now I'd better dig in.

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