04 August, 2006

Not a single stitch

No progress yesterday on any knitted items. Nope, not a stitch. My hands are a bit twitchy this morning. I wanted to smuggle a WIP into work with me today but I would be sorely tempted to spend too much time in the ladies room ... just one more row!

My pathetic attempts to find a mate (sometimes also known as "dating") - doesn't that sound like a great title for a book? Okay, maybe a pamphlet. Here's what doesn't help: my sister reminding me that she went through a 2 year drought not long ago and then had two bad boyfriends in a row! Uhhhh yeah, great sis. My latest greatest thing is to actually get out and socialize rather than sit in my house knitting and listening to music every night of the week. I know I know ... it sounds like heaven to me too, but that's not the way to find love, or even like. I've lowered my expectations a bit these days. Now I'm just looking for a man I can STAND and that I want to see naked. Love? That'd be nice, sure. But there is the chance that I actually used up all the love I was allotted in this lifetime so I'm not going to hold my breath for the fireworks any more.

So - the point is that last night I went out for drinks after work with a woman I re-connected with at the reunion/golf thingie a few weeks ago. We had such a nice time. I never kept up with anyone from high school. I moved to the city, traveled, lost touch. So it's fun to hear the gossip about people I haven't seen for years and years. And just to connect with another woman in pretty much the same position I'm in, except she has a fabulous job, makes TONS of money and is dating 3 or 4 guys. *sigh* I think in my case I just have to be patient. And to tell you the truth, that is definitely not one of my strong suits. Again, as my sister says (are you tired of her words of wisdom yet?), "Go out with your girlfriends!! They have brothers and friends!" It just seems so contrived somehow and yet when you think about it, not any more contrived than when I'd dress up like a floozy and go out with my girlfriends dancing in hopes of meeting Mr. Right. It's funny when I think back on it the disconnect my brain would make. We, all of us girls, would dress up in what we considered sexy clothes, smear makeup on so we looked like junior hookers and then get angry if guys treated us like objects. I must be making another kind of mistake these days but I sure can't put my finger on it.

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