There are a couple of stereotypical Seattle behaviors that drive me crazy. The too polite driver who doesn't take his right of way and the inability for 99% of Seattle drivers to use their turn signals. This behavior is not exclusive to motor vehicles. Bicyclists have the same problem. As I was zooming down the trail, getting ready to turn left to go up the hill off the trail, a male cyclist was coming down the hill toward the trail. I was, of course, signaling that I was turning left. He did not signal so I had no idea which way he was going. I could have avoided slowing down (which is always a good thing when faced with a steep hill) if I had but known which direction he was heading but as it was I had to slow down considerably, so that when I tried to shift into a lower gear to go up my chain slipped and my pedals locked up. I was lucky enough to pull my feet out of the toe clips in time so that I didn't go crashing down. I pulled over to the side of the street and proceeded to get my chain back on and as I was doing this a car came driving towards me and stopped across the intersection. No signal, so I waved the car through. I was on the side of the road, not impeding his progress in any direction but he kept sitting there. I waved him on again. What I needed to do was get a little run at the hill, so I was going to ride east a few yards past the trail, then turn and head uphill. I finally went east to make my turn and the car turned right!! If the idiot had only had his signal on ..... Needless to say all of the relaxation that I get from my ride was gone and I arrived home in a nasty mood.
A medicinal (and much needed) shower and a glass of wine and I was feeling a bit better. After dinner and during the re-cap episode of LOST I finished up the decreases and bound off, then picked up 74 stitches and started on the ribbing for the bodice portion of the back of the Gatsby. Since I have two meetings this morning and I always arrive in such a state when I ride, I drove in and therefore I was able to bring my Gatsby for noon knitting. I should be able to finish up the ribbing and start on the back tonight if I don't get distracted. Big IF.
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