02 March, 2010

I guess we might as well face it

We are getting an early spring, and that's that! I don't think we're going to be getting any more cold weather. Sunday was nearly 60 and I finally got out and spent some time in the garden cleaning up the dead stuff and finding all of the plants going full steam ahead. Unfortunately because the lawn has also been growing like crazy and Mr. M wanted/needed to mow it, I was only able to use the back-up yard waste cans -- four of them -- and filled them up in no time at all! Yesterday Mr. M mowed and he did indeed fill to overflowing the HUGE yard waste bin. But I was happy to get at least some of it done and the outlines are now visible in the very front garden. There are still hours and hours and HOURS of work to be done and so we'll have to hire some people to do the tough stuff, but I can at least get in there and cut down the lavender, dead head the hydrangea, etc. Plenty of easy work left to do. It is supposed to be nice on Saturday so that is my morning!

I had a really good run yesterday. When I ran last Thursday my lungs really hurt. Yesterday was fine. Just a little bit of ache. Otherwise I felt strong and I went the distance. I feel like I've finally turned the corner. I also had a very good ride in today. I won't be able to run the St. Pat's race but there is one in Kirkland in April. I'll shoot for that.

I have been doing lots of good work on the Gatsby dress. I have only a few more rows to go before I bind off, then pick up stitches for the ribbing portion of the bodice. In fact I even did a few rows at midnight last night. I was so very tired that I went up early last night to read and took Tink with me. She woke me up at midnight insisting to go out, so I sat and knit for 20 minutes while she did her thing outside, then back we went and I slept like a rock. In fact, slept through the alarm.

Tomorrow is noon knitting. I'd like to bring the Gatsby but it's getting hard to fit into my pannier and I'd like to ride in. Might have to bring the Enchanting scarf. I need to finish that thing anyway.

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