21 May, 2010

Bike to work cluster you-know-what

May is Bike to Work month and that is how I happen to be doing the challenge team. Today is Bike to Work Day when aalllll the amateurs come out to bike to work and clog up the trails. The bicycle club erects "Commuter Stations" along the trail. There are very few places along my 8 plus mile route where they can do that and be off the path so one then must navigate between around and through throngs of idiots stopped still on the path and on the road to get free trial sized Cliff bars (ick) or water bottles or bike maps or ... whatever. It is annoying. Of course I might be especially cranky this morning because my shoes were STILL not dry and I rode in anyway. And it's cold. And it was raining. Thank goodness it's Friday. I'm crabby.

Oh, BTW, I don't feel so bad now about not riding in yesterday. I wasn't the only one on my team that still had wet rain gear yesterday morning and passed on the experience.

I woke up in the middle of the night and I couldn't get back to sleep for a while. I went traveling. I practiced my extrasensory powers and beamed messages out across the ocean. It must have calmed me down (or wore me out) because next thing I knew the alarm was going off.

Before FlashForward last night (the penultimate episode and it's NOT being renewed) I managed to bind off that left sleeve AND pick up the gazillion stitches with a size 4 needle and do a round or two. Yes indeed - it's a colorful garment.

Well the weather is not going to be great this weekend so I could start my closet/drawer clean out. Tink is getting groomed Saturday but that's about it for my chores except to bring my food in to work and rehearse. I probably won't though, knowing me. I certainly will the following weekend though. I am actually looking forward to it.


Anonymous said...

Wow, sounds like you better be driving a car today instead. You might be a bit too cranky to bike.

Shelley said...

Hah! I think everyone's safer if I stay away from motor vehicles when I'm in this mood. ;-)