I have been very lucky in all the years I've been commuting on my bike in regards to accidents. They have been few and minor. Today I had another little mishap. I was coming down the steepest and last hill to get on the trail and a bee or some other flying, buzzing insect, flew in between my eye and my sunglasses! It buzzed around in there for a second and then flew away. I managed to keep upright and made it to the bottom of the hill and around the corner when I decided I'd like to stop for a second and make sure I hadn't been stung. I put on my brakes and as I was putting my feet down I realized my right foot was stuck in my toe clip. Over I toppled, right into a garden and, thankfully, into a bare spot rather than a shrub! I yelled as I was falling over, "Son of a bitch!!!! (channeling my inner Sawyer?). The homeowner had been standing on his deck drinking a cup of coffee and looking at the lake, so he called out to me to ask if I was hurt. Very nice. He came down to make sure I was okay and his wife came out on the deck as well to see what all the commotion was about. I'm bruised but fine. My foot is a bit sore from being twisted when I went over and I've got a very sore forearm but all in all, I'm just fine. And I didn't get stung! Good news.
It was a productive weekend. I did a little start on the closet clean out, ironed a bunch of things that had been hanging around in the laundry room waiting for just an occasion and that got me very psyched for this coming weekend. My intention is to be ruthless and throw out anything I haven't touched in a year except for classics.
I had a nice quiet Saturday afternoon while Tinkerbell was at the groomers to work on the Whisper Cardigan. This weekend I got all of the ribbing done and yesterday I started on the lower back. Because of the huge long LOST finale event I had lots of time to knit before the last episode started so I got a fare amount done. I should be able to easily finish that project up this weekend. I was also intending to sew the buttons on to my Tangled Yoke cardigan to get that in the finished pile but I didn't. I'll have to make that a requirement before I start another project.
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