15 July, 2011


My sister always picks up a book at the airport and then, if she finishes it while she's visiting, she leaves it with me.  That is the book I have been reading these last few nights - a book by Anna Quindlen, whom I quite enjoy.  Ah, but this particular book, "Every Last One" contains a shocking scene about half way through.  It was so unexpected - well, I had to put the book down a chapter or so after that because I just couldn't face any more at that point.  Maybe it was the adrenalin or something but I couldn't get to sleep and couldn't get to sleep.  I'm working from home today so I got to sleep until 8 am so I don't feel bad.  Yes, I am going to pick that book up again tonight but it won't matter if it keeps me up.  Or, actually, I could just keep reading and keep reading until I can't keep my eyes open!

My squeaking about my chilly office DID in fact get some action!  There is a woman in our office who can get things going with the building staff and I had a man come to take a look at the situation and he did, in fact, agree that it was way too cold and he's working on it.  In the meantime I asked permission to work from home today.  This is a new thing, the asking for permission.  I have to have a good reason in writing to present to the Administrator  -   I am having issues with the ventilation in my office -  and she approved.  She also mentioned the office in the other wing that I might be able to "use".  "Use" as in it's not mine indefinitely but until someone with more clout wants it.  It's away from our wing but I don't care.  She's going to ask the department Chairman and see what he thinks.  Fingers crossed now!

When I got home last night, guess what was in the vestibule in my building AGAIN!  Household garbage in the wastepaper basket!!!  Oh that just makes me CRAZY!!!!!  I got Tink and on our way for our walk I stopped in at the office and complained again about it.  I am 100% sure it's the same lazy idiots who did it before and when we got back a half hour later there was one of the office girls in rubber gloves going through the garbage to find something with a name on it.  She also said she's pretty sure she knows who it is.  Pigs!

I've got a hair appointment late this afternoon.  The metamorphosis is nearly complete.  The haircut, or rather shaping, will be the final step.  I'm already used to the straight hair.  It is a bit more work but I'm on a new routine so that I don't have to spend 30 minutes of my precious morning time blowing my hair dry because, know what?, I won't do that.  I can do it after my evening workout and that seems to be the way to go. 

I have hopes of finishing at least one of my knitting projects this weekend.  I should just concentrate on the mitts.  I could finish them up in a few hours, I am sure.

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