27 March, 2012

The mind-body disconnect

It was very windy at lunchtime yesterday and I had to start my run into the wind.  It is so tiring.  I got through the run but at a pace almost 1/2 a minute off of normal.  I was just so tired all day actually.  I was busy with the start of the quarter and the other things I have piling up around me.  I got home at a decent time, walked Tink and got through my second workout by six.  I had big plans to make a pot of soup and work on the Whisper Cardigan but instead I gave myself the night off, had a quick pasta dinner and settled in to catch up on some TV.  By 8:30 Tink was ready for bed and quite insistent that I join her for some reason, so since I have a book and I was tired anyway I turned off the TV and went to bed to read.  And I read and read until I could barely keep my eyes open.  Then I turned off the light and settled down to drift off to sleep.  Except that's not what happened.  My body was exhausted and my mind kept going 'round and 'round.  And not about anything in particular.  I don't have any worries at all.  In fact I even nailed down a Tink/house sitter yesterday so I have no explanation.  It was very annoying.   And not only am I tired this morning but I've got a headache to boot.  Good job I've got some of those fizzy tablets I brought back from London in November.  They work like a charm.  I'm going to really stock up this time.

The house sitter I have scheduled is a young woman who sits for my friends.  She is a friend of his daughter and I've met her.  A very nice girl.  She's going to come over on Sunday and we can just formalize the deal.  I am sure she'll work out fine and she does want to do it.  And I've no doubt she will leave my furniture where it sits.

On the weekend I got very near finishing the arms of the Whisper Cardigan.  I have about three rows to go.  I could do that tonight but the tough part is picking up the stitches around the entire thing.  Plus it is black.  Maybe I'll finish up the sleeve tonight and then measure and place markers so that I can pick up the stitches tomorrow at noon knitting where I will have good light.  After that it's going to be smooth sailing.  I certainly should be able to finish it in time for my trip.

Oh and I found a British Air iPhone app!  I will be able to have my boarding pass on my iPhone.  Very handy.

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