16 March, 2012

Pink trees

Despite the despicable weather, I can see spring right around the corner.  There are masses of daffodils and hellebore blooming around budding trees at Green Lake and cherry and plum trees showing their pink blossoms.  I don't think the cherry trees in the quad are blooming yet, but if the weather cooperates I may drive over this weekend.  I guess I could incorporate a trip to the quad in my noon run, but it's uphill and I really hate running hills.  If it were a gorgeous day, then maybe.  But today, like yesterday, is wet and windy.  I didn't get too wet yesterday.  I managed to sandwich my run in between two downpours.  I was lucky.

My luck wasn't with me in regards to the programming problem I was determined to solve yesterday.  I just know it's a tiny little thing, but I lack that certain knowledge to fix it.  I have sent an email to the support people and hopefully they will get back to me today so I can get on with it!  I have thought of one more thing to try, but I don't hold out much hope at this point of solving it without some help.

I did measure my scarf last night and found I was a couple of inches over the recommended 60, so I bound off and sewed the second lace panel border onto the end.  If I had put a little more thought into it I might have worked it in two pieces and grafted the two ends together at the center.  As it is, I did a pretty good job of sewing the border on without it being any more obvious than picking up the stitches as I did for the first end.  But I think it would have been easier.

Tink is back to her normal self, so there was ball chasing last night and I didn't get much work done on the Whisper Cardigan.  That will be my big push this weekend.  I've got nothing else going.  I don't want to take part in any St. Patrick's Day nonsense.  I'm sure I'll find plenty to keep myself busy and amused.

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